Saturday, May 3, 2008

Mason's Mystery Drawer

It's amazing..., this kid can sit in a room full of toys and all he wants' is a metal mixing bowl or a whisk. Why do we buy toys for our kids again? He has a drawer in the kitchen that is his. I try and change out his 'toys' every few days. He loves it! And loves playing on the floor when mom cooks.


Stacy and Mike said...

Great Idea!!!! I need to follow suite!

Michele said...

OK, I just have to say it, he is a beautiful baby!

Kara said...

I know! What gives? Unfortunately they grow out of that stage and then they want their OWN of everything you have!! At least that is how Mia is. Her own brush, makeup, cup, bowl etc...
I agree with the above, he is a beautiful baby!

Julie and Todd said...

Liam has one of those too, but I never thought to change out what's in it. I just have tupperware and other little treats. You're a genius!

Janelle said...

The girls like tupperware and measuring spoons and banging them on the floor. But the tupperware goes back through the generations... i loved it too.