Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A few things about Mason

Mason has developed quite the personality over the last few months. He has definite preferences, likes and dislikes. If you've ever been around to see him try a new food that he does not like..., you'll see the obvious dislike expression in raspberry form. It's been neat to see these develop. Here's a few of his likes...,

1. HATS - He loves them, but will rarely keep on on for more than a minute or two. He'll hold them.., walk around with them in his hand..., talks to them..., put them on.., take them off.., etc. He actually prefers his dad's hats. 2. SHOES - Most mornings you can find him in his Dad's closet pulling out and trying on shoe after shoe. Dan loves that Mason rearranges his closet on a regular basis. Mason can actually walk in the shoes as well.., which I think is fairly impressive.
3. HIS BLANKET AND BEAR - His Aunt Mary made him his blanket that from birth has been one of his favorite things. His Aunt Ruth gave him him blanket-bear.., which I'll admit, I thought was the weirdest thing I've ever seen at first..., but Mason loves it. I mean.., it's a bear head and a blanket body.., creepy! He will hold the bear by his neck and twirl his fingers around the silky ribbon on the bear's neck. He adores it. In fact.., I bought a replace bear so I could wash one and he'd still have one to hold and sleep with. Well.., let's just say that didn't work too well and he now walks around with 2 blanket bears.
4. DUST PAN AND BROOM. If I leave the dust pan and broom out for even a second, Mason has it in hand and is trying to pick up something. He'll even walk me to the hall closet and point and grunt for me to get him the dust pan. I finally found a small version on a broom, dust pan and mop for him and he LOVES it. He is definitely his father's son in regards to cleaning. Hopefully, the love of cleanliness will stick with him through his teenage years!

5. NUDITY AND THE REMOTE - Let's be honest.., what man doesn't enjoy being naked and having the TV remote? I tried to buy him the kid version of a TV remote.., but Mason wants nothing to do with those cheap imitations. He wants the real thing. I ended up finding some old remotes that we don't use and making them 'his'. He's happy with that, but still tries to steal the real remote any chance he gets. The nudity thing started a few weeks ago when he had a diaper rash. Everyone tells you they need to 'air out' to help the rash heal. Well.., Mason had no idea about the freedom he was missing out on. Now..., every diaper change has turned into the great escape attempt. Changing his clothes is even worse. I do hope he out grows this before he starts school.


Janelle said...

Thanks for the Mason updates! I can't believe how big he is getting. My girls love the broom too. I saw that they actually make a hoover kid vacuum that actually picks up stuff off the floor...that could be fun and practical all at the same time. I love his eyes.

Michele said...

He looks like such a big boy. I think because his hair has grown out so much, since we saw you in July. Can he come to my house and sweep? We have dog hair and dust bunnies galore!

BTW, Meredith said "The baby in the bubble looks creepy." Love ya!

Melissa@thebblog said...

Wow, I can't believe how such a little guy can be so smart. He just doesn't seem big enough yet. What a cute boy!!!!

ps, glad Dan likes that red hat. I see him in the red more than the white, is that a subtle ode to the Utes?

Angela said...

so darling.. he is starting to show much more personality! How fun!

Stacy and Mike said...

Mason is sooo cute! I Love the naked remote picture. So true. Plus I love the lamps below...Man I wish I had your eye for things. That is awesome!!!!