Sunday, November 2, 2008


Mason and I started Halloween off by going to his dad's work to trick or treat. This was the first time Mason tried his costume on.., and we were thrilled to find out that he hated his lion mane hood.
No amount of coaxing would get him to keep it on.
Mason loved going office to office and getting treats.Later that day we went to relatives. We started off at the Wilkinson's and ended at the Wilson's. Mason was in his full costume at this point..., tights, make-up and all. They were manly tights and boy make-up of course.He was over tired and full of sugar and cute pictures on the door step just weren't happening. He did however make it trick or treating to about 6 homes with his cousin Ramsey. He again loved the idea of walking to a door and random people giving him candy.
Rachel and Hannah.
Aunt Renee


Michele said...

Of course Mason looks adorable. I LOVE your highlights. Very nice. The girls look beautiful too.

Melissa@thebblog said...

Ah, i like the hightlights. They are nowhere near as blonde as you led me to believe. I think they add lightness to your face.

Mason is adorable as usual. Too bad he wouldn't sit for a nice picture with his beautiful cousins! Boy they look lovely!

Janelle said...

Love the hair... and dang those kids for not keeping up with our perfect expectations of how they should wear their costumes and act on such a special holiday.....;)

Leslie said...

Loving your hair!!! It looks awesome!!! Wow, I don't think I've seen it this long in a while. It's cute!