Friday, December 12, 2008

Food Storage

I went last night with our Stake to the local cannery for the first time. Dan and I have a 72 hour kit for our family and we're pretty good with our 3 month supply of food that we rotate through..., but have nothing for long term food storage. In all honestly, I've been avoiding the start of it because it seems some over whelming. I mean.., come on..., Do we, a family of 4, really need 1200 pounds of grains in storage to sustain us for 1 year? And 480 pounds of legumes? Where would I store all of the 480 size-10 cans in our tiny house? And then the cost of it all! How could anyone afford that? I still remember a roommate from my freshman year of college actually took out a loan for 5,000 to purchase a 2 year supply of long term food storage. She kept it stacked in her bed room.., under her bed in the closet, etc. I equate long-term food storage to crazys like her and I really shouldn't. So.., despite me dreading and avoiding it..., I went with my friend, Melissa, to the cannery. She had been one other time and her, some what knowing the ropes, was able to help me, the first timer. Let me just say.., it was SO easy! And cheap! And fast! There's no reason to dread starting your long term food storage! I am here to say that you don't need a lot of time, of money or even smarts to start. You just need to have a game plan of what is going to work for your family. I'm not sure if our little family will ever have enough to feed us for a year.., or even 6 months for that matter. I do know that I will start making a dent in our long term food storage goal and that each month we will have a little more added to our collection. Also.., In case of a natural disaster, you're all welcome to our house to share in our white rice, potatoes flakes and dried apples. Please just bring some water. I'm still working on how and where to store that!


Janelle said...

If you're still friends with that girl, or if she is reading this, I hope she/you pulled her head out!! Are you freaking kidding me? That is seriously the craziest cookoo'est bizarrest thing I've heard in a long time. Why would one do that in college, being 18? Oh well, enough of her. I still have my 72 hour kit stuff, but there's nothing in there for the babies,,,no diapers, clothes, zip. When we move to Denver I'll look more closely into food storage, since we'll have a house and some place to put everything. Go get ya a 55 gallon barrel like the rest of the crazy mormons. haha

Melissa@thebblog said...

speaking of 72 hour kits - how much did you get your for after Thanksgiving? I have started that but have no longterm storage at all. I'll have to make a visit to the cannery. Thanks for the example.