Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Valentine's Tag

I really can't believe I'm doing this. I'm told 'it's fun'. We'll see....,


What is his name? Daniel Aaron Ontiveros

How long have you been married? 2 years 4 months

Who eats more? He does.., though I've been know to hold my own.

Who said I love you first? I think it was me? I need to check on that one. It's sad I'm forgetting these things!

Who sings better? Dan, hands down. I'm tone deaf I swear.., but I do love to sing. Thankfully Dan doesn't laugh at me when I sign in the car.

Who is smarter? Dan.., in all subjects and even pop culture. He some how knows it all! Small, weird, obscure details.., he knows it! Not sure how.., he just does. I do hate to admit this one!

Who does the laundry? We both do. I'd say, I probably do more of the actual wash, but he's folds and puts away more than I do.

Who does the dishes? Both.

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Right side looking at the bed or right side while in the bed? Dan always sleeps closest to the door.

Who pays the bills? I do

Who mows the lawn? Dan. He loves cutting grasses.., weed whacking.., edging.., etc. When we were dating I tried to get him to do some thing on a 'grass cutting' day and he had to explain to me how the grass needs to be cut ever 7 days.., not 6 or 8..., but every 7 days. I love my meticulous husband!

Who cooks dinner? I do.

Who drives when you are together? Dan. I think I scare him when I drive.

Who is more stubborn? Oh man..., I'm sure this one is me. He's been known to dig his heels in on an issue.., but I'm sure it's me over all. Why is he the smart one and I'm the stubborn one? Where are the question that asks 'who's more creative?' or 'who looks better in a dress?' I'd get those questions for sure.

Whose parents do you see the most? We saw Dan's folks more before they left for Mexico. Their house is right around the corner from us. Now we see them equally. Once a year or so.

Who proposed? Dan. I some how knew he was going to propose to me the day he did. I knew he had called my dad and asked permission a few weeks prior. He planned a little walk around Silver Lake for us. The drive up the canyon I kept trying to feel his pocket for a ring box, but couldn't feel one. I was so sad. When we got back to the car from the walk. There were flowers and sprakling cider waiting on my seat. He knelt down in the parking lot and said all these nice things. I cried and said yes.

Who is more sensitive? Probably me..., but Dan's not as tough as he appears. He's can be a sensative softy as well.

Who has more siblings? Dan. He's one of 8. I have 2 sisters.

Who wears the pants in the family? We both do.

Happy Valentines Day!


The Wilkinson Clan said...

Oh we got a big chuckle from this one! Do you really sign in the car?

Janelle said...

See , that wasn't so bad now was it?? And we all get to know more about Linda loo and Dan....