Saturday, January 3, 2009

Go Utah!!!

Did you see the Sugar Bowl last night??? I'm still in shock that Utah not only won.., but dominated the entire game. Alabama didn't even know what hit them! I mean.., come on.., 8 sacks on their quarterback??? Utah had an incredible season. It's been fun to go to the games and see the Utes get closer and closer to their undefeated season.


Stacy and Mike said...

OH .... MIke was soooooooooo mad that he didn't go to that game. How great was that!!!! AWESOME!!!

That's my school! Oh YEa!

Janelle said...

It was an incredible experience. We hardly made any mistakes,, so amazing

Janelle said...

alright Linda, I am officially going to be annoying and go out on a limb here, but I think you've had this same background for a year now right,,??, and so I think you need to venture over to the cutest blog on the block and check out all the fun backgrounds. You can be just like the rest of us then... ha ha... Click on the link 'backgrounds' on the side bar and choose one of hundreds. It's really easy to do too. That way I will have a surprise the next time I come see the O Family Blog and what they've been up to. Trust me,, you'll love them. p.s. *should I just stay out of the Ontiveros blogging business???? :) miss ya

Kara said...

Woot Woot! Go UTES!!! Ha Ha Ha, Janelle! You are a geek! :)