Monday, April 25, 2011


 I'm pretty sure Mason couldn't be happier about the Easter bunny visiting his house!

Maya sat and ate TONS of candy and didn't pay much attention to the rest of the basket...., hence the vomit all over Grandma's floor later :(
Light sabers!!!These bad boys should have been part of their Christmas..., but an elf forgot about them in the closet.
They're favorites!!!
Then on to Grandma and Grandpa O's for Easter fun!
Easter Egg Hunt in the back yard at Grandma's

Putting the eggs back int he big basket so Grandma could split them all up equally...., I didn't think my kids would do ok with this, but look at my cute Maya placing her eggs back one by one.

The egg at Grandma's House has MONEY it them!!!!  Mason and Maya both scored with $3 a piece.
Minute - It -To-Win-It.  These games were HYSTERICAL!!!
Stacking 6 dice on a tongue depressors
Blue lips from the tongue depressors.  Grandma got colored ones at the craft store.., who knew they'd bleed onto every ones lips???
Trying to pick up pasta with an uncooked spaghetti noodle.  6 was the challenge in a minute
Grandpa and Daddy
Maya and one of her favorite people.

How many pencils can you catch off the top of you hand??  12 was the challenge in a minute.
Grandpa rocked it with the highest at 10 pencils.
Maya's just happy with her 2.
Vaseline on your nose and then you had move 6 cotton balls from one bowl to the next using only your nose!  Not so easy!

The kiddos LOVED this one!


Janelle said...

How fun! Mason is huge! And, does he have 2 beds in his room?

Kathryn said...

This looks so fun! Man, we always miss the good stuff!

Melissa@thebblog said...

what a creative easter party! who ever thought up those games. perfect for a family and I want to write them down to go in a file for someday when I am in YW again or scouts or something. glad that the kids had such a wonderful easter - I suppose the parents probably did too!

Kara said...

Fun! I love minute to win it! we have played that at Colin's mom's house and I flipping RULE! Ha Ha, jk. I only won one game but you know me, I am holding onto that victory! :) So fun! Umm... and Maya eating all of her candy and throwing up! Ha Ha

Meg said...

I was going to ask the same thing...does Mason have 2 beds in his room? Also, did you find those beds somewhere and paint them? I am on the hunt for a bed & dresser for Cameron's room & haven't been able to find any I love (except for a few that were $800) so I have been thinking about finding an ugly one to paint :)

LindaO said...

Yes.., Mason has 2 beds. One I found at a yard sale for $17 and ugly. I painted it red and distressed it and I LOVE it now. The other I had to track down...., it's not quite the same, but close.., and it was free, so you can't beat that. He really wants bunkbeds, but I can't justify buying them when these were practically free and they work just fine.

Kanabites said...

I LOVE the picture of Maya and her light saber and chocolate face! SO so Cute!