Friday, August 26, 2011

Our Poor Little Guy

At Mason's 4 year check up, his pediatrician mention how abnormally large Mason's tonsil were.  He asked a few questions about his sleeping habits.  With each yes answer things started to make a little more sense.  After consulting with our ENT, it was confirmed.  Our little guy had sleep apnea because of his ginormous tonsils and we had no idea.  Apparently it's fairly common in kids and they typically will out grown it at some point.  After weighing our options, Dan and I decided to have his tonsils taken out.  With him being young, it's so much easier than an adult and will significantly help his sleep patterns
Here's our cute little guy, drugged with Verset and watching cartoons.  He has no idea what is about to come. 
 This is Mason less than 24 hours after his tonsil coming out.
Unfortunately, he didn't stay feeling that great and day 3 and 4 have been rough.  Our poor little guy is having a rough go.  They say 5 - 7 days for kiddos is the recovery...., so we'll see what tomorrow brings for us!


Jessika said...

My doctor told me that tonsils are on a 1-5 scale with 5 being "kissing" tonsils, which was rare and mine were a 4.5. I got strep throat a couple of times a year every year but since having mine out for years I haven't had it once since! It was not comfortable recovering but it was so worth it! Good luck with everything - poor guy!

Melissa@thebblog said...

So, by tomorrow he should be back to normal? Maybe? it's day 4, how's he doing? what a brave guy.

Stacy and Mike said...

I want to know if it has helped the sleeping since? Please share.