Monday, June 9, 2008

A full Sunday!

For those of you with children, you will understand the significance of this. Yesterday, our little family not only made it through 3 hours of church..., but we also made it through our entire sacrament meeting with neither of us walking out with a screaming boy. I figured Mason's only 10 1/2 months...., that's not too bad of a record.., is it? I did leave quickly to refill his sippy cup..., but no one was screaming when i left or returned..., so I'm still counting the Sunday as our first!


Michele said...

What a big boy! He's such a sweetie.

Alisha, Paul and Leila said...

That is awesome, Leila is just recently sitting through an entire sacrament and she is 16 months.

Janelle said...

That is really good. Kaitlyn was perfect up until she could walk real well,,, around 13 months. She still likes the music and such, just stick them next to the wall, there's no escapin'. I haven't been to a sacrament with both in awhile. We'll see how it goes when I find my church down here :)

Michele said...

What a big boy!! Can't wait to see him. Love Gramma Noble