Friday, August 1, 2008

Happy Birthday Boys!

Mason and Dan celebrated their special days together. Mason was one on July 25th, 2008 and Dan was.., well.., he was a bit older on July 27th, 2008. We had Dan's siblings as well as mine come over for a BBQ and birthday festivities. Dan got some new golf clubs as well as a killer card that played his favorite Hannah Montana song. Go Millie! He was a lucky birthday boy!Mason had some fun treats as well for his birthday! He was SO done with opening presents after only one or two. Poor kid! He's had a hard week with all the traveling and family around.
The first birthday is such a special one. I felt the pressure to come up with a cute cake for Mason. I finally found this monkey head and was pretty proud of the results. Dan chose German Chocolate for his birthday cake. I branch out a little and made it 4 layers.Mason wasn't sure what he thought of the cake. I had envisioned him tearing in to and devouring it. It was nothing like that. Dan had to help him to actually touch the cake.
Once he did.., Mason wanted nothing to do with dirty, sticky fingers. He truly is his father's son.
Last, but not least was the pinata. Apparently, every good Mexican birthday party needs to have a pinata. Mason liked to hit it, but it wasn't quite hard enough to break. He had plenty of cousin behind him to break it though.


Janelle said...

Now isn't that just a cutesy little monkey head?? I love it. You're so creative, and I bet you'll be the best mom's too with birthdays because as you once told me, birthdays were a holiday at your house growing up.

Stacy and Mike said...

I Love that cake. How fun that they get to celebrate together.. .HE is stinking cute too in the walking pictures. The one year B-Day is a big day... hurray hurray!

Kara said...

So cute!! I love your monkey cake! I can't believe that he is one! Time seriously flys!! What is your schedule like this week?