Thursday, September 13, 2012

Summer Fun

Our summer has flown by!  I can hardly believe it's September and the kiddos are back in school.  Though I love the structure the fall brings, I sure do miss my kids and our fun summer days!  Here are a few of the highlights.  These are the only pictures I have from Mason's Lake Birthday Party with the fam.
Father's Day was towards the start of summer.  We are so lucky to have such a great Daddy!  Mason has been wanting to match his shirt and ties to Dan each Sunday.., how cute is that???
 We played out a back of our house a lot!  We added a second circle swing underneath the apple tree and the kids would swing for hours.  They love being outside!
We also embarked on our first family camping trip.  I was SO excited about this!  We have wanted to go camping for some time now, but I always get so nervous about the sleeping part or lack there of rather.  So we chose to head up to Midway for a quick over night camping trip.  It was a perfect trial run.  We're hoping to get a 2 day camping trip in here in a few weeks.

 We spent some time up in Idaho with our favorite Idaho cousins!  We couldn't get Maya out of the river..., she just wanted to swim and swim.

 A little jet skiing and tubing to make the trip complete.
Until next summer.....,

1 comment:

Melissa@thebblog said...

you give me hope that maybe we could tackle camping! I think that it will have to wait for next summer though. I'm not sure I have it in my to do a cold night.