Friday, May 9, 2008


A common misconception is that Cinco de Mayo is Mexico's Independence Day, but that would be Sept 15th and we really don't celebrate that in our home..., unless it's on the weekend and we need an excuse to have a Party. Cinco de Mayo is actually the day that celebrates Mexico's victory over France.., forcing those Frenchys out of their land. We gringos use the day to celebrate Mexican heritage. Here's a picture of me with my two favorite Mexicans celebrating their heritage in their guayavera shirts from Grandma and Grandpa. Cinco de Mayo for our family was filled with food (salsa and tacos of course).., friends.., a lame-o pinata (it broke with one swing! That's the last time I save time by buying one and not makign one!) and even fireworks (sad for those of you who left early)


Kara said...

How fun!! Geeze! I wish I had married a Mexican! You Lucky duck! :) We just went to La Fronterra (I shouldn't complain though since it was my choice, man, I love that place!) Your party looks like fun. I can't believe you said that next year you are going to MAKE your pinata! My, how ambitious of you! :) Call you when I get back from the virgin Islands baby!

Melissa@thebblog said...

Why, might I ask, am I the only one not featured in a photo? Oh, maybe Shayla isn't in one either. Rude. Fun party Linda. Glad you married a Mexican!

Michele said...

How festive! Love the new fence.

The Wilkinson Clan said...

Looks like fun. M. looks so big in that picture.

Angela said...

That was way fun! I am glad I was there to witness the swing of death to the "lame-o" Pinata! Go Sam! I know I still owe you a couple photos.. will try to get those over to you tonight!

Love any time we can eat Mexican food and enjoy time with friends!

Angela said...

oh.. btw Melissa.. the photo I owe Linda has you in it!

Janelle said...

Fiesta,,, I guess??!! You three sure know how to throw one crazy Mexican shindig. Fun Fun Fun!!