Monday, May 19, 2008

Oh my gosh.., It's Zach!

This post is dedicated to my cute nieces and to all those 12 years girls at heart! High School Musical 3 is filming less than a block from our home! I know..., hard to believe but true! They're at the horse farm where Mason and I walk by on our way to the park. It's also the same horse farm where we get free compost. I may have compost on my veggie garden from the horse that Zach Efron rode!?! It's kind of like I'm almost famous in a way!

These are the trailers that line the street. This one could have been the one that Zach was actually in..., not entirely sure on that one.., but you never know.


Michele said...

Can you get a close-up of Zac Efron or any other actors? Maybe we can come over to see. - from your niece -M p.s. Why doesn't Mason like his sprinkler?

Michele said...

OK - this is from the mom...NO, Diet Coke -NOT OK for babies...I am impressed that he is drinking from a straw though.

LindaO said...

Just for clarification sake.., no, Mason's momma does not give him diet coke. It's an empty cup and he's trying to get the melted ice. Don't worry.., Mason only gets the diet coke from his Uncle Robert or from Momma's girl friends.

Kara said...

Ha Ha Ha, that is hilarious! You for sure should have him sign your chest if you see him! LOL!!!

Kanabites said...

LOL...So I was thinking if you saw him would you totally get a picture and send it to me so that I could have it and say that I know someone that actually saw him. That would be great! Actually I haven't even seen any of the high school musicals? So am I lame or what?

Melodie said...

I feel kind of famous just for knowing you! I can't wait to tell my 12-year-old friends about this. I am going to be so popular!

DeAnn said...

Hey Linda! You are, like, so TOTALLY lucky!! You might need to scoop up some of your "veggie" dirt and keep it in a Quinlyn is jazzed and thinks you are super cool to be that close to HSM 3. Still can't get over how darling Baby Mason is.
Love ya,
P.S. Getting my e-mails?

Leslie said...

Linda Linda Linda, just admit you actually LOVE Zach Efron!!! lol. My little 7 year old niece got to meet Zach Efron and Corbin Bleu last year and she was wiggin' out. I should bring them up to your house just so they could see this and try to sneak a peak for Zach Efron!!! That cracks me up.

Janelle said...

Oh boy,, I hope Vanessa Hudgens didn't catch you spying on her man... (oh yeah,,, i'm totally involved in all of their lame love lives,,, gotta keep up on the celeb biz ya know)