Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Family Time

Last week, trying to avoid the high 90 degree weather in Salt Lake, Dan, Mason and I drove up to Park City where it's typically 10 degrees cooler. It was worth the drive to get out of the heat. We had no agenda. We walked around the outlets and had a picnic at a park. It was so relaxing and nice to spend time with our little family. Mason is even starting to enjoy crawling around on the grass. He realizes that there's objects out there that he just has to grab, touch or squeeze and it's completely worth the funny feeling grass on his knees to get them. He's in this phase of seeing how much food he can possibly shove in his mouth at one time. Please note the cheeks below.
On the way home, Mason was tuckered out and passed out in his car seat. With a sleeping Mason we made a slow trip back to Salt Lake through Emigration Canyon with the top of the jeep off. I love the summertime!


Kara said...

Fun! What a good idea. It is fun to just do random things like that with nothing in mind!

Michele said...

It looks beautiful up there. I didn't know there was a lake. Can you swim in it? Awww...dad and baby in their Polo shirts, very handsome.

Kanabites said...

How fun. Love the cheeks!