Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Christmas Eve

We had a fabulous Christmas Eve. The Wilkinson crew came over for a a dinner and festivities. We started with appetizers: bacon wrapped jalapenos, bacon wrapped water chestnuts (can you sense the theme.., I'm into bacon lately), spinach dip and other yummy treats.
After dinner, we opened gifts from each other. Mason got a killer Craftsman tool set. I think it's just as good as Dan's.
I got these super cool pottery, mushroom garden stakes. They make them at my brother in-laws work, the Sugar Post. I can't wait to put them in my garden.We made window catchers. I loved these things as a kid.., and thought they'd be a fun activity for teh kids. I sure didn't remember them being as hard as they were to do! Perhaps it's because I didn't care as kid if my colors mixed in together.Then for the pictures of the cousins. Is it it possible to snap a shot with out the 17 month old or the 9 year old moving?????
After a few hundred shots..., this is the best picture of the 4 kids.

1 comment:

Janelle said...

I WANT to go to your house next Christmas Eve....! Look at that food spread and table. I love bacon too... it must be the salty taste you are craving right now too. It's impossible to get kid pictures,, ever! I like the candids anyways. Linda, I love your glass vase thingy's with the balls in them. Very cool...Maybe I'll be as cool as you someday!