Tuesday, February 23, 2010

What do you think????

I really haven't done much with Miss Maya's bedroom besides paint, curtains and a throw rug. I found these wall stickers at the Dollar Store. I liked how it turned out..., unfortunately.., so did Maya. She quickly proceeded to peel each and ever one off during her nap time and with in 3 days they were all gone. Oh well..., it looked nice for a day or so..., and hey..., it was only a $1! The circles around the top of her wall, however, are a bit too high for her to peel off (for now anyway), so they will stay. I do like them. My sister teases me and says she feel dirty walking into the Dollar Store, but I tell you..., I LOVE the Dollar Store!!! So bring your antibacterial gel and go check out the Dollar Store!


Kara said...

SOOO cute! In fact it is so cute that I am going to go to the dollar store today!

Michele said...

I love the polka dots and the flowers are so cute. It's too bad she peeled them off.