I am thrilled to say that after 6 weeks in a cast / splint thingy-do, Mason's finger is doing more than great! Not only has his finger healed, but his nail is actually growing back! The plastic surgeon was even shocked to see that at the last appointment. I've been praying constantly for his finger nail to grow back. So, though I'm sure the doctor's skills in reattaching his nail bed played a part in it all, I like to think it was the Momma's prayers that sealed the deal. I understand 'it's just a pinkie nail' and it didn't seem like a big deal to most.., but I just wanted my baby boy to have all the parts of his body he started with..., and thankfully he will!
Doesn't it amaze you how the human body heal itself?!?! It does me..., after seeing Maon's finger the day of the accident, I would have never thought it would look even half as good as it does now!
His finger looks great! I believe in mommy prayers...Amazing!
That is awesome Linda! I too believe in mommy prayers they can do a lot!
that looks wonderful! I can't believe I didn't even notice that the wrap was gone this weekend! Even though I didn't think he'd miss it, I'm glad he has a pinkie nail! :)
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