Thursday, November 18, 2010

2 of Everything!!!!

Maya is a step behind Mason all day long. She wants to be doing what ever he is doing. I'm started buy 2 of everything...., it just makes makes life easier to do so. I was at Target last week and grabbed a light saber in their Halloween costume section marked down. I thought it would be great for Mason for Christmas...., but what was I thinking?!?! I only bought 1!!!! I grabbed step stools for my short people at Hobby Lobby for $4 a piece.., and actually remembered to garb 2 of them. They were half off this past week. Love that store! I did a quick sand, paint and distressing and Voila!
Do you think I need to suck it up and buy another light saber at full price in the toy section???


Melissa@thebblog said...

no, they need to learn to share. It's a valuable lesson . . . And, are your children ever fully clothed? :)

Michele said...

Think about how you felt when you found out we had two wii systems.... and then decide if you want to go down that road or make them share... ;)

Stacy and Mike said...

Michele, has a good point but here is mine. Wii's you play together. Sabers you need two of to play together. It will make your life easier and they will have so much fun!!!! Depending on the toy... I buy three of them so they can all play together! It's so much fun!!!!
I wish I had a hobby lobby here!