Tuesday, November 30, 2010


We had a fabulous Thanksgiving with the some of the other O's.
 We watched cartoons on Grandma's bed.
Ate lots of yummy, yummy food. 
 Ate some more.....,
 .....,  and ate some more.
 Grandma and Grandpa were all smiles with most of the family around.
 Watched more cartoons on Grandma's bed.
 Some clothes came off in the basement.....,
..., then other clothes came on. 
 Mason loved playing with his girl cousins.  This will be some good blackmail in a few more years!
 We chatted lots....,
..., and ended the day with more clothes off than on.


Michele said...

Yay! Great pictures! Your kids are getting cuter every day.

Melissa@thebblog said...

what a fun day. I love that bow in Maya's hair. And yes, poor Mason is in for it when he's older what with the dress photo and all . . .

Janelle said...

alright Linda,,, get blogging!

Kara said...

Ha Ha, That is one good looking snow white!! Such cute pictures.