At times I feel bad for my husband because he suffers from my naivety. Two weekends ago, I asked Dan to till around this tree stump on the side of our house, so I could dig it out. We had 4 huge trees there last summer on the side of our house. Dan cut them down and then pulled out 3 of the left over trunks with his jeep, but for some reason left this one. It's been an eye sore and I've been dying to get rid of it. Dan some what laughed at me, asked me if I knew how deep the roots were..., and then after my clueless answer of 'I'm sure not too deep' tilled around the tree any way for me. He then went back to his Saturday projects. I started to dig and quickly realized that I was in WAY over my head. The roots were ginormous!!! Thankfully I have a wonderful husband that not only puts up with me taking on projects I can't finish but will also pitched in to help out.
Shovels, a chainsaw, clippers, trowels, rakes were all used, but still after 4 hours of digging around this beast of a trunk and cutting roots, this bad boy was not budging!
Mason did all he could with his plastic shovel.
After six.., yes, six nights..., of working on this trunk after the kids went to bed.., plus the 4 hours on the previous Saturday..., the trunk FINALLY came out. Dan ROCKS! He did tell me no more projects for awhile though. I guess I can do that!
That is a monster trunk. What, no after pictures with the "ginormous" hole?
yes, where's the pics Linda, what a slacker ;)
hey, call me crazy, but my dad used to drill big holes in the roots and then pour bleach in them... is that bad? It killed it in about a week and it would rot away... hmm
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