Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday Mason!

You hear moms say this over and over..,but I have no idea where the time has gone. It seems like just yesterday we were meeting our little guy. I remember so clearly the day he was born and here we are 2 years later and he's gone from our quite baby boy to our super-loud whirl wind.

With Mason turning the momentous second year, I thought I would give you all few 2's in his life.

2 of my favorite Mason memories: 1. The day he was born. The air conditioner had broken at the old Cottonwood Hospital so they called us to come in early so we could quote, 'get this baby out before it got too hot'. We thought for sure it was a joke..., but nope. Mason came out screaming and healthy as a horse. and 2. the day before Maya was born. We took Mason to Jungle Jim's to do something fun with him before his life changed forever. He HATED it. It was a great night!

2 of Mason's favorite things: 1. his 'oso' and 2. his cars

2 of Mason's favorite foods: 1. chicken - He screams 'CHICKEN' every time he sees a Wendy's or fast food establishment..., no joke and 2. candy - every day he will ask for 'candy' and every day, I say something along the lines of, 'later' or 'after breakfast' and he then proceed to fling himself onto the kitchen floor. If I walk away, he follows me and will fling himself at my feet again. It's a fun game.

2 of Mason's common phrases: 1. 'hand'- he asks this in hopes we will give him our hand and he can pull us to where every his little heart desires and 2. 'thank you, mamma' - he says thank you with out fail. I hope it never wears off.



Meg said...

Wow...there are some days I pray that time will go by faster and he will be 2 and not puking on me every day. I know everyone says time flys by, but c'mon I think every mom has wished it would go by faster?!?! Happy Birthday Mason. You sure are growing up to be a handsome little boy and are so full of life!

Michele said...

He looks so grown up in this picture. Two years just flew by. Happy Birthday sweet little guy!

Kim R. said...

I totally love that he will follow you and fling himself on the floor. I am glad that you aren't missing out on that lovely follow-you-anywhere-can't-get-away tantrum. Makes me laugh out loud! Only because of my own personal tantrum throwers. :)

Janelle said...

It's funny how their infant pictures still look like them... Same look. Wow, happy birthday to your little guy.