Thursday, August 27, 2009

Burley Boating

We had a great weekend up in Burley, Idaho with Dan's brother and his family. We have loved boating on the river and are kicking ourselves that it's already the end of summer and we've only been up to Burley once! OK.., twice if you count the super quick day trip for Quinny's baptism.
Mason continues to do so well on the boat and our little Maya barely fussed in her life jacket. Maya mostly slept on the river's edge while other's boated. Can you see her in the pile of blanket. I tried to keep her in the shade.., but the sun kept shifting and our little princess ended up with a sun burn! I felt horrible! Thankfully.., the Mexican in her came out and she was brown by the following morning!Mason thoroughly enjoyed playing with his cousins. This is his little partner in crime, Gage. Give them a few more years and they'll be getting into all sorts of trouble together. Gage informed his sister that they can no longer call Mason, 'Baby Mason', because he is now a kid and his name is just 'Mason' now!
The boys are tried to figure out the DS.., but I'm thinking it's a little above them still.
The cousins with mom and Mason on the tube. We were going so fast that I was worried I would let go of Mason. He loved it though and had a smiled on the entire time.I was shocked Mason did so well on the jet skis. He actually even fell asleep when I took him out in the after noon. It was funny because I had to hold his head up. I so wish i had a picture of that.

We had so much fun with the Ontiveros crew! Thank Dave and DeAnn for your hospitality!

1 comment:

Michele said...

What a fun weekend! I can't believe Mason went on a Jet Ski, he's getting so big. Was the water warm?