Tuesday, December 15, 2009

What the ...., !?!?!?!

Sunday evening Mason was helping me cook chicken quesdillas. I was heating the chicken up in a skillet and he was on a stool next to the stove. With in a flash, he bends over and kisses (!?!?!?!) the edge of the skillet! He was of course hysterical after that. When I calmed him down, I ask him what he was doing. Through tears, his reply was, "but Mama, amo (I love) chicken!"
I love this guy!!!!


Michele said...

Oh wow! That looks painful, poor little guy.

Melissa@thebblog said...

what a horrible, sweet story! I guess he now knows a painful lesson about "hot". Sorry little guy. :(

Kanabites said...

ahh poor guy! I hope he is getting over it fast!

Meg said...

That is so sad! Does he still "amo" chicken after that??!!

Janelle said...

they say the truth,,,, and they act it out I suppose. funny but scary too...