Monday, May 16, 2011

She's a tough cookie!

Believe it or not.., but her brother did NOT do this to her!  Both kiddos love to play in laundry baskets.  I don't get the appeal of it, but they will jump in and out of them.., push one another up and down the hall, etc.  They'll do this for hours.  Needless to say, when my jumped into this basket she wasn't expecting the bench to be so close.  Poor baby!  It was swollen shut the first day.., so this is her actually on the mend.


Melissa@thebblog said...

poor kiddo. how long did the effects last?

Meg said...

Yeah for some reason the laundry basket is a favorite for Cam too. When we were in NYC my dad tied a rope to it and pulled him around the of course we have to do this daily now. I started having him pull his stuffed animals around and that will sometimes sufice :) I guess the theory that girls are calmer, more mellow and quiet isn't correct for all girls. I can keep my fingers crossed anway :)

Janelle said...

oh no! that is a really bad one. poor girl.