We all slept on our bellies as babies because that's what studies said to do and we all grew up just fine. Then.., studies came out in the 90's that said babies need to be sleeping on their backs to reduce the risk of SIDS...., which depending on the the study is only 1.7 % greater risk. Still.., why would I every take any risk with my babies..., even if it was that small. I get all that and we had no problem with Mason.., until of course he started to roll over and then every night he ended up on his belly. Before that.., he slept on his back just fine. Maya on the other hand is going to drive me crazy with her sleeping.., or rather lack of. In talking to my sitter Liliana.., as a side note, I always think she knows everything..., she told me had all her kids sleep on their bellies for naps. So, trusting my sitter, I tried Maya on her belly for her naps last week and she slept like a champ! I checked on every ten minute the first time because I was so worried.
Last night, after numerous attempts to get Maya back to sleep and with no end in sight, at 2am, I laid her down on her belly.., and she instantly feel asleep. A calm fell over her. I then sat by her and watched her breath. I also went on the internet (yes, at 2 am) and read pretty much everything there was to read about SIDS because I worried I was putting her at huge risk.., but I also felt strongly that she needed to get a good solid rest.., which she hasn't been getting. The internet was filled with just as many article and folks saying it's fine for babies to sleep on their bellies as there were articles and folks saying the back is the only way a baby should sleep. I actually even woke Dan up to see his thoughts and if he thought we should leave her on her belly for the rest of the night. I know.., I'm crazy..., if I was that worried.., I should have just flipped her over...., but I knew in doing so she would be awake with in minutes. After way too much thought..., at 4 am, I finally left her room. She slept 6 hours straight..., which she hasn't done in a long time! Maya truly had a better day after her 6 hour stretch of sleep. I know it's because of her good sleep. So..., am I horrible mother for laying my baby on her belly to sleep after the experts say not to???? I truly feel like she needs good solid sleep and I'm not sure how else she's going to get this. It's hard though.., because no matter what folks say or studies show.., you have to do what's best for you and your family. We go back and forth on this one, but for the most part..., we're feeling pretty good about our little girl on her belly
My mom put us all to sleep on our bellies too..not sure there is a right or wrong answer. Glad you're getting some peace and quiet over there though!
You know I put both my kids on their bellies. They both had those arms thrashing around that kept waking them up. I was nervous for a while, but then I realized they would be just fine.
I say you gotta do what works for each baby! If she sleeps better that way go with it! Even if they are on their backs you still worry about SIDS those first couple of months anyway! Plus if it makes you feel better, I gave Hayden a pillow at 6 months! It helped him sleep so much better, and to make matters worse the only way he would sleep from like 3mo-6mo was with his little owl/blankie completly covering his head! It about gave me a heart attack! I would sneak in everynight and try to take it off with out him waking up! So silly!! So I win the bad mom award! :) she is dang cute by the way!
All three of my kids refused to sleep on their back. They slept more comfortably on their bellies until they knew how to roll.
I put all of my kids on their bellies and they all sleep like champs. Seriously, Ally still takes a 2-3 hour nap!!!
I have heard (from a few moms and my chiropractor) that sometimes if a baby doesn't sleep well on their back it is because their back is out of alignment. So a quick trip to the chiropractor could do the trick to. I know it sounds wierd but my chiropractor has had several "babies" come into his office while I have been there. Good luck!
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