Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Sleep Deprived Mom Seeks Help

Here's my question.., why can't this girl sleep like this in her own bed??? I mean seriously??? We were spoiled by our little girl the first few weeks of her life. She had been going to bed at 7 and then waking up once at 3am pretty much since birth. We loved it! Well.., now she's almost 10 weeks and her sleep schedule is all JACKED! Please note the capitalization for extra emphasis. We have had the last 6 days of horrible sleep due to her not sleeping. We started 2 weeks ago putting her down at night time awake. We give her a bottle right before bed and so she's pretty drowsy. As soon as she's in her cradle, she's wide awake and we're having her cry it out. I hate this!!! My favorite sleep book says it's fine to do any time after 8 weeks, but I sure do feel like a horrible mom! Most nights she's asleep after 15 - 20 minutes of hard crying. Not bad, I think. The problem comes with Maya and sleep is during the night. She wakes up, eats and then doesn't want to go back to bed.., or she goes back to bed for under an hour and is up again. I keep her wrapped up tight for bed and she seems to be hating it lately..., but if I don't she wakes herself up with her arms failing about. When she wakes up to eat she's only grazing and will eat 1 maybe 2 ounces. I'm have tempting to have her cry it out the whole night.
Seriously..., any suggestions are welcome!


Michele said...

Ahh, she's so peaceful and warm and snuggly in mom and dad's bed. Why would she want to be anywhere else?

Kathryn said...

oh man, doesn't sound like much fun. Don't have much advice cuz i have zero experience, but i did notice this weekend that she didn't seem to like to be all tucked in under her blanket at all.

Kara said...

Yikes! I wish I had something good to say :( sorry! Good luck!

On another note, see you this saturday right?

Melissa@thebblog said...

I'm going to add nothing just like the others. Babies are soo different that I'm sure something that works for us probably won't work for you. I fed her at 9 last night and she was wide awake until 11:30 and then woke at 2:30 and 7. Usually she goes to bed no trouble at 10 and doesn't get up till 6am!

Kim R. said...

my suggestion for you is to let her come stay at my house for the week. I will teach her to sleep.

Kim R. said...

Ya, totally kidding on my previous comment. Why would I ever want 2 babies, or rather 3 if you count bob needing to potty in the middle of the night. I must be sleep deprived to make a comment like that. :) Isabella has good nights and bad nights.

Julie and Todd said...

Matthew did the same thing and I thought I was going to DIE. The thing I realized I was missing was a prop--you can let kids cry it out if you give them a sleep prop which is something that isn't dependent on you to use. Binkies, at this age, are not a good one because every time it falls out, you're required to put it back in. Matthew liked (likes) to have something soft by his face so I got those little square soft blanket things. I'd put him to bed awake (smart) with the prop and then walk away. If I needed to go in to sooth because I didn't want him to feel abandoned, the key was to not pick him up. Left him in bed, but would sing or touch him sometimes, if it was excessive. The middle of the night cries, once they are full, are fine too. You just have to rule out a few potential things first and then use the same strategy. If you let her stay up for an hour after each feeding, that will be the habit that persists. It tortured me while I was doing it, but the torture was worth the result. Took a couple of weeks, so be patient. Not that I really profess to have it down, but I sure suffered the same way your describing, so I'm sure happy to share what helped me!