Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Last Harvest

Our garden has been so much fun..., especially for Mason and me. I've loved beign able to run outside for a pepper or tomato to throw into a salad or omelet. This was our first summer with a garden and I already have plans for next summer to triple the size of it. This past Friday the temperatures dropped here in Utah to 30 degree-ish. With no fast plans of warmth returning, we decided Saturday morning to pull up the last of the harvest. It was so cold and I was so glad Dan was there to help me so it went faster. This is the results: herbs galore, green tomatoes by the dozens, some red tomatoes, peppers and gourds. I pulled the squash up a few weeks ago. I couldn't eat it any more of it! I now have my counter tops filled with green tomatoes. My mother in- law swears they will turn red and I believe her.., but it sure is taking a long time. I need my counter top space back! We didn't' end up with quite as many bottle-neck gourds as I had hoped for.., but I'm excited for the ones I have. I'm now on-line in search of how to dry these bad boys. Let me know if you have suggestions on how to do it.


Melissa@thebblog said...

That spread looks so pretty! I so want to be good at gardening and vegetables but I just know that it would have all died the second week like my two tomatoe plants did!

Kara said...

I am so jealous!! I wish I had a garden! I was however lucky enough to reap the benefits of my moms hard work and steal her vegies! :)

Angela said...

will you help me next year! Great job with your first garden!